The Office of
County Hearing Officer
The Office of County Hearing Officer (OCHO) is established within the Office of the County Counsel pursuant to Los Angeles County Code Chapter 2.14 to independently conduct administrative hearings on matters within the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Hearing Officers appointed by the County Counsel act independently from the agencies appearing before the OCHO in hearings, mediations, and all other administrative matters.
Navigating Your Hearing
Requesting and Scheduling
Upon receipt of your hearing request and paid fee (or approved hardship waiver) to the County department that issued the violation, a representative from the department will contact the OCHO to request a hearing date. The department and/or the OCHO will send you notice of the hearing date.
The Hearing
At your hearing, both you and the County department will present any evidence, witness testimony, and relevant exhibits, including documents, photographs, and audio or video recordings. The Hearing Officer will consider all relevant evidence submitted and provide a written decision on your matter with findings of fact and conclusions of law.
After the Hearing
If the Hearing Officer makes a decision you disagree with, you have the following options: (a) accept the decision, (b) request the Hearing Officer review and reconsider its decision if you believe the Hearing Officer made an error in fact or law, or (c) appeal the Hearing Officer’s decision in the Superior Court by filing a writ of mandate.
For more detailed information about the administrative hearing process, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section.